A Big Baby

2015 is coming to a close and the weather gods want to make sure they get as much in as they can.  This week has brought us rain, cold, sleet, wind and this morning we were greeted to a blanket of white.  Our friends in and around Peoria have been dealing with power outages and serious tree damage thanks to the ice laden trees being subjected to wicked wind gusts.  Thankfully we have not had any serious fallout.  Just a few branches down and the moose in our Xmas display decided to lay down and take a well deserved rest.  A fitting lead in since this was exactly what some young Bison were doing when we stumbled upon them.
Bison shot in Yellowstone National Park in May 2013

Although we do have the privilege of being able to see Bison at a local wildlife park, these shots were taken back in May of 2015 during our visit to Yellowstone Park.  There has been no shortage of posts covering these huge mammals here at LifeIntrigued.  A trip to Yellowstone put a lot of Bison in the tin back in 2010 (link here) that featured some really young specimens.  A local shoot back in 2011 (link here).  There was also a set taken at Custer State Park and Yellowstone back in 2012 (link here).  As a result, there really isn’t much else I can tell you knew about these creatures.

Bison shot in Yellowstone National Park in May 2013

Hit the jump to view a few more shots of the Yellowstone Bison.

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