Orange You Lucky

Howdy everyone, hope you are having a wonderful day. Had a couple of long grueling trail runs at the start of this week which gave me ample time to ponder what’s next on the post docket. Trust me, you are looking for anything to distract you when you are in the midst of a 2500ft and a 4000ft elevation gain training beat down. It’s during that second run that the topic appeared before my eyes – literally! On a fairly “roots of all evil” stretch my eyes were busy processing the path of least resistance in the immediate 8′ to 10′ out when something triggered the spidey senses. Lesson learned from shattered elbow, slowed down before looking for the source (I am teachable ha). Slightly beyond my root scrutiny was an absolutely monster of a Woodchuck/Groundhog/Land Beaver (pick your regional moniker) staring right at me (link here). Based on the eye dilation guessing we were equally surprised. Each stood motionless sizing each other up, processing through safety protocols, judging outcomes, assessing enemy capabilities and calculating threat models. Instinctively went with my “Hi puppy?” verbal response with my hands down and palms out. Chucky, actually more like Charlotte raised up, sniffed the air some more and waddled off further down the trail – clearly offended by my “odor-de-sweat”. Suspect the larger than expected size and cumbersome movements were due to pups in the oven (for the record they can have up to 9!). She eventually vanished in some brush and I restarted root protocols. Had to come up with a new inner Bri conversation as the post topic had just been decided.

I’ll explain the connection at the end, but for now let me introduce today’s featured feathered friend.

Orange-Crowned Warbler found at Guadalupe River State Park, TX in January 2023

Hit the jump to learn more about this somewhat tricky bird …. and how it is related to one of the three incredibly rude experiences I had while we were on our recent south Texas trip.

Continue reading Orange You Lucky

Orange You Glad You Found Me

First off, my heartfelt appreciation goes out today on Memorial Day for all those heroes that have lost their lives protecting our citizens as well as those abroad so that was may live in the safety we often times take for granted. I also want to extend a big thank you to those that continue to serve out country on a daily basis. Thank you

Today’s post officially completes my monthly quota (did I just hear kazoos and fireworks!?!) Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity to do a little birding with my brother Ron up in Montrose on the Chicago lakefront. For those not aware of that incredible birding place, you need to get up there during the migration and get yourself a whole bunch of checks in your North American birding list – especially in the Warbler category. I do not want to give away the fruits of that labor yet, but let’s just say it was worth the drive!

Keeping with that Warbler theme, thought it would be nice to continue with this…

Orange-Crowned Warbler Shot at Henderson Wildlife Viewing Preserve in December 2014

Now, this particular one wasn’t found three hours to our North. Nope, this one ended up requiring a 4 hour flight to the West to get in the tin. To be specific, these shots were taken back in December 2014 while on a quick trip to Las Vegas. Bet you went soft thanks to recent posts thinking I was going to continue the trend of putting more recent stuff on here. Unfortunately, not.

Orange-Crowned Warbler Shot at Henderson Wildlife Viewing Preserve in December 2014

Hit the jump to find out what this bird is and view a few more pictures.

Continue reading Orange You Glad You Found Me