Need a Tow?…by Brad Marks

Linda and I have just arrived at the Purina Farms Event Arena in Gray Summit, MO, which means we are officially surrounded by Poodles. Small ones, medium ones, and even ones that stand three times the height of ours. Pick a standard breed color and it will not take long before a matching Prima-Donna will prance by, nose in air and sparkles on the collar. Yep, we are at the AKC Poodle Nationals or Poodle Specialty for short. The boys will be competing tomorrow in the agility ring and then give way to the confirmation events scheduled for later in the week. That would be rows and rows of grooming tables covering an entire exhibit hall – imagine a Build-A-Bear factory had exploded. Once that is done, Ruger will toe the line for FastCAT, which is the canine equivalent of the 100 yard dash (hoping to improve on his 19.5mph PR). Time for the pups to earn their keep ha. I also have a three part Halloween themed post to get through on the mothership that is about 7 months overdue (I swear I retired..where does the time go!!). While we get things taken care of here, Brad is going to take the Intrigued reins and bring you wings I’ve never seen!

Take it away Brad…

Ever run across a very unassuming bird, just sitting and minding its own business?  That’s what happened for me on this bird.

I was wandering along the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve (UNBNP) trying to find Jan.  She was photographing the California Thrasher (link here).  I thought I saw her on a parallel path so I tried to find my way over to her.

On the way, there was a smallish tree/bush with a brown lump in it.  The chances were very high that it was a bird I’d never seen or photographed before, so I snuck up on it.  I chuckled to myself (CTM).  I’m over 6 feet tall, carrying a very large piece of glass on a long stick.  I think it’s hard for me to sneak up on anything on pebbly gravel paths.

California Towhee by Brad Marks

As I got closer, it seemed to be alerting someone.  John Wayne Airport was still pumping airplanes into the air at an astonishing rate drowning out the bird’s call.  I sure am glad my house isn’t within hearing distance of an airport.  The wildlife in the preserve must be accustomed to the noise to the point they can’t hear it any more.  Sort of “ear blind,” if you will.

California Towhee by Brad Marks

Upon further inspection (on the big screen at home) I noticed the tiny orange eye ring.  I’m pretty sure there was no way I would have seen this at the time, and it is a great indicator if you can see it.

Hit the jump to reveal the identity.

Continue reading Need a Tow?…by Brad Marks